What is the Area Median Income in Franklin County, Ohio?

Franklin County, Ohio is a county located in the state of Ohio with a population of 1,264,518 people and a median income of $63,902. However, 10.6% of Franklin County families live in poverty. This chart shows the stock breakdown of the major industries for residents of Franklin County, Ohio, although some of these residents may live in Franklin County, Ohio, and work elsewhere. The most common employment sectors for those living in Franklin County, Ohio are social assistance (107,466 people), retail (80,081 people), and educational services (64,572 people).The table below shows how the number of patients seen by primary care doctors has changed over time in Franklin County, Ohio compared to neighboring geographies.

The table below shows the percentage of foreign-born residents in Franklin County, Ohio compared to their neighboring and parent geographies. The largest universities in Franklin County (Ohio) are the main campus of The Ohio State University (16,838 degrees were awarded in 2012), Columbus State Community College (5,856 grades), and Franklin University (1,846 degrees).This means that Franklin County's revenues are much higher than the median income in the United States and household incomes in the county are in the 87th percentile. If a family's total income is below the family threshold, that family and all its members are considered to be living in poverty. The table below the paragraph shows property taxes in Franklin County, Ohio compared to parent and neighbor geographies.

The table below shows the percentages of U. S. citizenship in Franklin County, Ohio compared to its neighboring and parent geographies. This chart shows the percentage of homeowners in Franklin County, Ohio compared to major and neighboring geographies. Car ownership in Franklin County, Ohio is about the same as the national average with an average of 2 cars per household.

None of the households in Franklin County, Ohio reported speaking a language other than English at home as their primary shared language. This visualization illustrates the percentage of students who graduate with a bachelor's degree from Franklin County, Ohio schools by specialty. The chart below shows households in Franklin County, Ohio distributed among a number of car ownership groups compared to the national averages for each group. The table below shows the 7 races represented in Franklin County, Ohio as a proportion of the total population. The homeownership rate in Franklin County, Ohio is 53.6%, roughly equal to the national average of 64.4%.